Monday, December 1, 2008

Australian Internet Censorship

Hi all, some of you may know me from xbox live. As the aussie chick who never has a bad word to say.. well guess what? I have something to say about this.

Currently in the dark and mouldy depths of Parliament house a great evil is lurking, plotting and gathering it's minions for what will no doubt be a dark day for all those who are grateful for the liberty and (somewhat) free speech we currently enjoy as a western nation.

The current govenment wishes to trial an internet censorship filter which will not only kill free thought and free enterprise, but the rights of mature gamers everywhere. For some reason the Australian government has over the last decade thought to wrap it's citizens in cotton wool. Danger signs here there and everywhere, pool fences, terrorist scare tactics and now this.

The filter would not only disable content that is deemed offensive or inappropriate (by who I may ask?), but also because of the sheer amount of content that is to be screened, has the potential to severly limit internet speeds.

Is this the sort of existence that those who died so horribly and fought so bravely fifty years ago sought to protect? Is this another torch of free will being extinguished? Make up your own mind while you still can, or alternatively get as pissed off as I am and check out these sites:

or the petition

Thanks for your time


Pengwenn said...

Awe Lady I feel for you. If something like this happens it would really suck. Hopefully someone in government can see what a nightmare this censorhsip would become.

Iron Lady said...

Thanks everyone who has responded positively to my xbox message, and to this blog. It's worth making people aware that their rights are slowly being sapped away. Oddly enough I've had more interest from Americans than Australians..good old backyard apathy "until it effects me i'll pretend nothing is happening."

it's always encouraging to know that there are people out there who think ahead enough to when their children have to make decisions about the welfare of future generations, and what sort of world they will have to live in.